Saturday, November 03, 2007

Bear rescue - not on BC bridge but in California

This bear found its way onto the new bridge near Golden. We can only imagine how disruptive our great construction achievements are to wild animals. This worked out OK for the bear, thanks to highway people who used their time and experience to bring off a remarkable rescue.

I wasn't able to find out who took these pictures. If you or someone you know took them, please let me know so I can give credit (or remove them, if you prefer).

UPDATE Nov.5/07: Thanks to a comment from Gary (see below), I've learned that this bear rescue was in fact near Lake Tahoe in California. I recommend you go to the article at where you'll find the full story and a much more extensive slide-show of this remarkable rescue - which loses none of its impressiveness through not being in British Columbia! I'll leave the images below as a sampler.